Trump keeps policy on Dreamers, eliminates protection for older immigrants

WASHINGTON — President Trump's Department of Homeland Security has rescinded former President Barack Obama's order shielding millions of migrants from deportation, but is letting stand a policy that grants reprieves to people who arrived in the United States as children.
Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly announced late Thursday that, after consulting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, he is rescinding an Obama memorandum from 2014 that allowed immigrants to remain in the United States under certain conditions.
The rescinded memo created a program that protected undocumented immigrants from deportation if they have a child who is a U.S. citizen or lawful resident.
The program – known as Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents, or DAPA – was never implemented because it was challenged in court by 26 states and was put on hold by federal courts.
The DHS decision to rescind the memo came ahead of a court-ordered deadline to resolve the case.
Kelly said in a news release that he decided to rescind the memo because “there is no credible path forward” to litigate the policy.
