Report: Huma Abedin Asking Publishers for $2 Million for Tell-All Memoir

Huma Abedin is willing to tell all in a new book for a price tag of $2 million, according to a new report.

The former top aide to Hillary Clinton and “estranged wife of disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner has been meeting with top literary agents” to discuss writing a book about her side of the sexting scandal and her role in Clinton’s campaign, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Clinton has reportedly given her seal of approval for the purported Huma Abedin memoir.
The proposed book is reportedly a “reflection on how her personal and professional lives collided during the campaign,” according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Despite being in the spotlight so often, Abedin rarely gives interviews.
“She’s more interesting than her husband. We know who he is. She’s the ongoing mystery,” Princeton University presidential historian Julian Zelizer told the Hollywood Reporter. “But she’ll have to put herself out there. That’s what the publisher will be looking for.”
Aside from an appearance in the 2016 documentary “Weiner,” Abedin has not commented publicly on Weiner’s lewd behavior with women he met online.
Abedin announced that she was separating from Weiner in August 2016, in the middle of Clinton’s presidential campaign, after reports came out that Weiner included a picture of his 4-year-old son in his sexting messages.
